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VN2700 Bill Validators


Validates $1-$20 bills, using the high reliability of the series 2000 bill validator technology, the industry's best-selling product with over two million units sold. Replace your VN2500 with the new VN2700 bill validator.

The VN2700 makes it simple for operators to upgrade to cash recycling in the future. Operators who plan to explore cash recycling at a later date can upgrade the VN2700 to the VNR by simply adding on the compact recycling module.  

The optional high visibility bezel strobes through a wide range of colors, and attracting attention.

Main Features:

  • Validates $1, $5, $10 and $20 bills
  • Recycler ready - field upgradable with the compact VNR recycling module
  • Improved sensors / security
  • Optional high-visibility bezel attracts attention
  • Series 2000 proven reliability
  • Future-proof your investment with the MEI CASHFLOW® VN2700 Bill Validator. 

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