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DS1888 - Brawny Brute 72" Hand Truck W/Vertical Strap
Manufacturer Part #:
Brawny Brute 72" Hand Truck W/Vertical Strap MUST SHIP VIA TRUCK. SHIPPING & HANDLING Not Included.
Capacity: 1600 lbs
Weight: 112.6 lbs
Size: 72″H x 24-1/8″W x 16-1/2″L
Tilt back angle of the Truck is 60°
Toe Plate Size
4-1/2″ clear x 24″ wide x 1/4″ thick
The Brawny Brute comes with a unique concept of attaching the ratchet arm to the load. The arm grabs firmly at the top front of the load and pulls in and down. The minimum load height is 62 1/2″.